Sam Mansi Counselling
Counselling & Coaching
We all seem to have a narrative, a script, a story that we may or may not be aware of, but that nonetheless we are operating from. The unpleasant parts of this story may leave us with a degree of trauma. We may feel anxious, depressed, afraid and in pain. We may carry shame and guilt with us, there may be grief, fear and a whole host of negative emotions affecting our minds, bodies and souls. Many of us will have adapted unhealthy self-soothing techniques to cope. These could come in the form of addictions, anxieties, obsessive or compulsive behaviour and unhelpful patterns of thinking.
For others of us, it may not be so extreme. We may simply feel a little stuck or apathetic. and that we could benefit from a space to contemplate our thoughts and values. A place to reflect on our direction, decide on our goals and how to best achieve these by changing our state of mind, so that the story we tell ourselves and the new habits we develop actually underpin and enable us to thrive.

In order to do this we sometimes we just need a little bolster or a springboard - some help and guidance to overcome these hurdles. My name is Sam and I'd like to support you work with whatever is holding you back from feeling and living a better life. Ultimately, the aim of the process would be for it to have impact. Impact that would manifest itself in the form of you finding a happier, more fulfilled, and freer existence for yourself and in turn a more beautiful world around you for you to flourish in and find joy.
I walk, I fall in the hole
I walk, I pretend not to see the hole, I fall in the hole
I walk, I see the hole clearly, I fall in the hole
I walk, I walk around the hole.
Portia Nelson on self discovery.